Why would you use video? | Cosmic Skip to main content

When you look at the various statistics around video online, it's not difficult to see why it is so important to incorporate video into your online marketing strategy. One in three Britons view at least one online video every week, so that is a potential weekly audience of more than 20 million people in the UK alone.

Video is naturally engaging, and allows a large amount of interesting information to be displayed to viewers in what can be a very short amount of time. I am sure you have heard of the phrase "a picture paints a thousand words", well according to Forrester's researchers, one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. This stat is actually a simple mathematical calculation using video that is captured at 30 frames per second. If a picture equals 1000 words, then 1 second of video made up of 30 pictures will equal 30,000. Multiply this by 60 seconds and hey presto, you have your 1.8 million words worth of content. Now in reality, a minute long video won’t equal 1.8 million words, but when put it into perspective, you can understand why you can capture more information in a shorter amount of time from a video compared to an image or written content.

Is video possible for small businesses?

Of course it is! Video content doesn't have to involve expensive equipment, expertise or even use up a lot of your time. Your smartphone or tablet is more than capable of capturing high quality and high definition video footage and can be used as an invaluable tool to capture short interviews, testimonials, how to's and vlogs to share with your audience. Take a look at Periscope for example, a service that allows you to live stream high definition video (dependent on your internet connection speed) to your audience via your iPhone through Twitter for free. As long as the content is engaging and interesting your audience will tune in to it.

Don't forget about your social networks

Social media is online video’s best friend. Be sure to promote your video content across multiple channels. If you want your audience to find it, then you must make it easy to find and share, so be sure to do a little bit of research into the most relevant hashtags when sharing it via Twitter for example.

Be creative with the content that you wish to share

Make it a habit to pick up your smartphone and start capturing video wherever you are as the real gems are captured when you least expect it. Don't just be creative with the videos themselves, but think about how best to fit them in with your online marketing strategy. Use the correct keywords and hashtags in the titles and descriptions and think about the best time to schedule it to be shared.

You can find out mroe about using SEO for your online videos in another of our blogd tomorrow.

If you need any support with your video content requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01404 548405 or jack@cosmic.org.uk