Our work with Yarlington in 2015 | Cosmic Skip to main content

Our work with Yarlington in 2015

Our Yeovil-based IT Trainer Verity gives her perspective on the last year with Yarlington

I have had the privilege of working with Yarlington Housing Group (a Local Housing Association) and being a part of their digital inclusion project ‘Yarlington Online’ since joining Cosmic as an I.T Trainer eight months ago. Cosmic are Yarlington’s official IT training partner.

The Yarlington Online Programme

Yarlington Online is a digital inclusion programme that makes sure residents are able to access and use the internet as well as being able to obtain information and services that they need. The programme answers the questions such as ‘ever wondered what the fuss is all about? Want some tips on finding your way through all the sites, pages, apps and more? It provides residents with free access to equipment and the internet through a Loan IT scheme, as well as free one to one training, free group training, free gadget shows, and lots lots more. The programme looks to provide all 20,000 residents with the opportunity of having internet access as well as being able to confidently use the internet.

Digital Exclusion

Before I joined Cosmic I thought I understood what digital exclusion was all about – but I was wrong.  Digital exclusion is a far more complex issue than I ever thought and for many being excluded is not a choice. Over the last eight months I have truly grasped and understood how important it is to create opportunities for people to enable on line access and for those individuals to really experience what the internet has to offer. For many of us we take having internet access for granted and going online is just part of our everyday lives but for many is not the case at all. I have lost count the number of times I have asked myself recently ‘how would I survive without my laptop and smart phone?’ I rely on technology every day and I now realise just how complicated life can be for those without access in today’s modern world.   

The context behind our work

If I reflect on the work I have done with Yarlington it is apparent that having internet access is no longer a luxury but very much a necessity. There really is nothing more rewarding as a trainer to see how someone who may have never used a computer before let alone the internet is able to after a few one to one lessons surf the net on their own and skype with their family. To see people improve their skills so much through our weekly I.T drop in sessions and see some go from years of unemployment gain that much needed confidence to apply for work again is honestly inspiring.

Digital inclusion is badly needed

I don’t think that you can put a price on providing people with this type of digital support – be it through the use of group sessions, one-to-ones, drop in centres, and most recently money sessions which help people use the tools available on line to budget their money more effectively. 

Creating a digital equality

I like to think that the work I do with Yarlington and their residents is not just about digital inclusion but it is about creating a digital equality. A place where everyone can experience the benefits of technology in a safe yet creative space. Getting rid of the fear is the first step- after that the online world can be anyone’s oyster.