More than half of all web traffic now comes from smartphones and tablets | Cosmic Skip to main content

More than half of all web traffic now comes from smartphones and tablets

In last week's Google Performance Summit, Google AdWords executives Sridhar Ramaswamy (Senior Vice President of Ads & Commerce) and Jerry Dischler (Vice President of Product Management, AdWords), shared some amazing new statistics that underline the importance of mobile for any online advertiser.

  • Google's search and advertising tools drove $165 billion of economic activity for over one million businesses, website publishers, and non-profit organisations across the United States in 2015.
  • There are now at least two trillion searches on every year, and over half of those searches happen on smartphones.
  • Nearly one third of all mobile searches on Google are related to location.
  • Universal App Campaigns has delivered more than two billion downloads for advertisers, across, Play, YouTube, and The Google Display Network.
  • Location-related mobile searches are growing 50% faster than mobile searches in general.
  • More than half of all web traffic for the millions of website owners using Google Analytics now comes from smartphones and tablets.
  • Since AdWords store visits were introduced two years ago, advertisers have measured over one billion store visits worldwide.
  • The new Expanded Text Ads in Google AdWords are driving up to 20% higher CTRs (compared to traditional text ads) for early adopter advertisers.
  • In the two years advertisers have had access to Google AdWords store visits, they've measured over one billion store visits globally.
  • According to Nissan UK data, 6% of mobile ad clicks result in a trip to a dealership.

What does this mean for me as a website owner?

These statistics really confirm the importance of mobile for any website owner or online marketer. With the sheer volume of users browsing and buying via a smartphone or tablet, it's key to ensure you are able to offer said user a great experience.

This starts with responsive templates. A responsive website design allows your website to adapt to the different sized monitor or device that it is being viewed on. It does this by altering the appearance and layout of the website so that it can be viewed at the optimum size, often by shrinking menus into clickable drop-down lists, stacking boxes that were formerly in rows and removing large images that could potentially have a negative effect on loading times. A good example of this is on the Cosmic website – if you take a look at our website on a smartphone or tablet, you will notice some considerable changes on the homepage, particularly the three call to action boxes. You will notice that on the web version they are in a row of three, whereas when shrunk down to tablet these rearrange into a row of two and a row of one, and when going even further down to a smartphone size, they stack into three rows.

If you have any questions about how to make your website the best it can be for mobile, get in touch with our friendly team on 0845 094 6108 or send an e-mail to