Blogging for business [Part 2] | Cosmic Skip to main content

Last time we introduced you to blogs – what are they, where did they originate from and who uses them. This time we want to tell you why you should be regularly blogging for your business.

So, why blog?

  • A blog gives your company a voice
  • They are easy to use
  • Free!
  • A blog enables you to connect and share with your customers
  • It is a direct communication channel
  • Your blog will fuel SEO
  • They share your expertise
  • It will keep you focused, motivated & energised
  • They are stimulating for you and your readers
  • A blog builds confidence, relationships & sales
  • And it tells your story

But let’s go a bit deeper than that.

A blog is a simple, easy-to-use platform for connecting with and sharing timely and relevant information with customers. It’s your direct communication channel. On your blog you can share so much more than you can on your social media platforms and go into more detail. However, that content used within your blog can then be distributed throughout your Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, email newsletters, e-books, etc, so it is such a valuable basis for your content marketing efforts.

Blog writing makes you think - about newsworthy topics, your industry, your customers and the world around you. It helps you learn and expand – the research you will do writing a certain blog post will stay with you and help you build your expertise in your industry.

It creates a two way conversation with your customers and peers. It encourages interaction, comments and feedback. Just make sure you reply to all your comments. It can also be fun, energising, and something that you really look forward to.

We have spoken about time management in previous blog posts – well writing a blog really does keep you focused on your content marketing strategy. You must create a schedule and stick to it to continuously deliver relevant content.

A blog will build confidence – not only your own but your customers confidence in you. They will look to you as a reliable resource for information on your industry. Confidence becomes trust which becomes a relationship and then a sale.

Through blogging you will become an expert in your field and be able to position yourself as a thought leader within your industry. And all from writing a few words!

So how will you make your blog stand out?

The top 5 things you can do to make content that stands out in 2015:

  1. Focus on consistency, great topics, and growing your audience.
  2. Publish more quality content than anyone else in your niche.
  3. Try under-used content formats.
  4. Focus your time on fewer content formats.
  5. Plan your blog to save time when you actually write your posts.

Source: Contently 19.10.2015

How long should my blog post be?

Well there isn’t really a definitive answer to this one, as there are conflicting opinions from various experts, but…

According to, the ideal length of a blog post is 7 minutes, 1,600 words. argues that regardless of however many experts say shorter is better; ‘what it means is that it’s worth writing however much you really need. Don’t feel constrained by presumed short attention spans. If you put in the effort, so will your audience.’

However, Seth Godin writes short blog posts, commonly under 150 words and he is one of the greatest marketing minds of our age.

Ultimately you need to write how much you need to write to make your point. Don’t worry about too long or too short, as long as it is written well, and is informative, educational or inspiring then you have achieved your brief.

Here are a few tips to bear in mind…

  • Use correct spelling and grammar – if possible get someone to read through it before posting
  • Blog weekly if possible, if not then as regular as you can
  • Use good quality images – and make them pinnable
  • Don’t waffle!
  • Always share your blog through your social media
  • Link to your website from your blog
  • Try to get guest bloggers once you are a little more established
  • Read other blogs
  • Plan ahead

Next time – choosing a catchy title and hooking your readers, plus optimising your blog.

Download full Blogging for Business Guide PDF