6 questions for new team member Emma Hupertz | Cosmic Skip to main content

6 questions for new team member Emma Hupertz

Emma HupertzEmma has recently joined the team at Cosmic, so we asked her six questions about herself so you can get to know our newest team member a little better.

1. What do you do here at Cosmic?

I’m a Digital Training Assistant, helping to deliver projects to clients of Cosmic as well as working with the administration team.

2. What’s your favourite part about the job, and what are you most excited about doing?

One of the things that makes me happiest is when I’m helping others, so I’m really looking forward to meeting the clients of Cosmic and working with them to solve their problems. It will be really rewarding to work with different people from start to finish, getting to know them and their needs, and seeing their progress and results at the end.

3. What do you like most about Cosmic?

The team here at Cosmic are all so friendly and welcoming. They have already made me feel like a part of the gang and the atmosphere here is great. Everyone is hard-working but they do it with a smile on their face, which is really important to me in a work place. It is clear that they have the clients’ best interests at heart and I am really proud and excited to be a part of that.

4. What is the most interesting thing about you or that you have done?

Emma Hupertz

I once rode horseback across the Wild, Wild West with real Native American cowboys! This was during my travels across North America in 2010. I travelled with a group of people I had never met before and our very own tour guide, leaving from New York and travelling all the way to LA, spending every day in a new place. I camped under the stars of Yellowstone National Park, was accosted by a black bear in Yosemite, and ate real Chicago Town pizza in… well, Chicago!

5. Are you Apple or Android?

Neither. I’m a Windows user myself! But if I had to choose I would go for Android. Before moving to Windows, I had always used Android and found it to be a reliable friend. I love my Windows phone because it is fast and has a great camera for catching those every-day moments when I’m out and about.

6. What are your hobbies or interests?

I’m quite a creative person so many of my hobbies revolve around this including filmmaking and photography. Growing up, I learnt to play the guitar and a few years ago, I taught myself to play the piano. My husband is also a piano player and we met through this interest, so it is true when they say music brings people together! A more recent hobby has been learning a new language.My husband is German, and although he speaks perfect English, I am learning German so that I can communicate better with his family.