Why you don't need to worry about 'the fold' on your website | Cosmic Skip to main content

Why you don't need to worry about 'the fold' on your website

As a web development company, we tend to hear a lot about 'the fold' when designing websites.

If you haven't heard of the term before, 'the fold' is considered the part of the website that cannot be seen from the bottom of your monitor - it is essentially the 'fold' in the page.

We often get requests to make changes to a website design so that all or a part of the site can be seen above the fold - while this will work on the webmaster's monitor, it will be a completely different story for someone looking at the website on a larger/smaller screen. While your screen may be 24" and sitting landscape as standard, there may be a user who is looking at the site using a 32" monitor but portrait, meaning they will be able to see much more of the website on their screen than others. Because of this, it's very difficult to control what each user would see on every screen/monitor variation.

With the recent arrival of responsive templates, there is now even less reason to worry about the fold. Responsive websites are websites which adapt to enable them to be viewed on different devices such as tablets and smartphones. This means that certain page elements will change or move to suit the device you are looking at, such as the reduction of your navigation to a burger icon, stacking of call to action boxes and footer elements and the removal of the rotating header image. Whatever device you are on, you will see it at the optimum size for the best possible experience.

If you have any questions about web design, please get in touch with our experts by calling 0845 094 6108, e-mail us on info@cosmic.org.uk or even send us a tweet to @Cosmic_UK and we'll be happy to share our knowledge.