What we can learn from #ImInWorkJeremy | Cosmic Skip to main content

What we can learn from #ImInWorkJeremy

The hashtag #ImInWorkJeremy started trending this weekend on social media after NHS workers began posting images of themselves in response to Jeremy Hunt’s speech last week regarding a seven day week for health workers. (www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-33542940)

The response on Twitter to Hunt’s decision has been enormous, with not only health workers, but people whose lives have been affected in a positive way through the work of the NHS. The support that has been given to this campaign has been extremely positive, and that is probably due to the nature of the tweets and the campaign as a whole.

The tweets have taken a very positive tone, with many images of doctors, nurses and staff smiling and happy to be at work making a difference to people’s lives. It has not been a direct negative attack on Hunt’s speech whatsover and instead has been promoting the dedication of the staff and what we can celebrate regarding the NHS.

It would have been very easy for the attitude to have been an incredibly negative one, with slander towards the Health Minister, but what the health workers have done is turn it round and applaud the positive side of the Health Service. Therefore, it has gained solidarity from all those reading the tweets, showing huge support for the staff involved.

There are many reasons why a hashtag campaign can succeed, or fail, and commitment and positivity play a huge part. Like we have said in previous blog posts, a subject that is close to peoples hearts gathers momentum quicker, and people are incredibly passionate about our NHS and on the whole, applaud the workers and their loyalty.

It seems that a twitter campaign has a bigger impact than striking, as those witnessing the impact can’t fault it at all. With strike action comes a lot of resentment from those that it affects, and yet this doesn’t seem to have caused upset. Even Jeremy Hunt himself has decided to become part of the campaign to try and redeem his position with the workers.

Here are some examples of those tweeting about being at work:

#ImInWorkJeremy Still at it, and have been all day...... pic.twitter.com/ZvJrvVoHE1

— Tim Underwood (@TimTheSurgeon) July 18, 2015

Our weekend paediatric team. 2 consultants, 2 registrars and 3SHOs. @Jeremy_Hunt #ImInWorkJeremy pic.twitter.com/SceDnc309Q

— Anna Brough (@brough_anna) July 18, 2015

Already worked 60 hours this week and now #ImInWorkJeremy with my consultant. #longlivethenhs @Jeremy_Hunt pic.twitter.com/WAiAUZ0Qb4

— Ally Mintoft (@AllyMintoft) July 18, 2015

It certainly makes you feel proud to be British and lucky to have such a dedicated NHS!

If you would like any advice with regards to a hashtag campaign, or any social media support at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch.