What is Vine? | Cosmic Skip to main content

Wondering what Vine is? Chances are many of you have already experienced the wonders and woes of it already, but if not don’t worry as we are here to explain! Vine is an immensely popular ‘short video’ sharing social network, which allows you to capture brief, separate instances of footage that can be linked together for a total of six seconds and then shared with the world. Launched by microblogging site Twitter in October 2012 it has since become the most used video sharing application on the market.

To share a video, all you have to do is touch and hold the screen to start recording, and release to stop, until your 6 second allowance is used up. Once you have captured the video, you can add a caption (including hashtags) and choose whether you want to post the video to Vine, Twitter and Facebook. One of the most important features of vine videos are the hashtags, which makes it possible to group the videos onto trending words and phrases.

Although Vine seems simple enough, many users, especially businesses, have experienced the issues of trying to fit the message that they are trying to convey into only six seconds. There are companies out there who have done it well, and an example of one who has is ‘Dunkin Donuts’ who use Vine avidly to market themselves. Below is a stop frame animation style Vine that they recently created to advertise their new Oreo cookie covered doughnuts. 

Watch the Dunkin Donuts vine here.

Due to the uniqueness and originality of Vine videos, the only real way to get your name or brand out there is to come up with something that is completely different to every other vine video whilst also capturing the attention of the viewer. This is something that Dunkin Donuts have harnessed throughout their time on Vine, by using the uniqueness of their videos to capture the viewer’s attention and gain over 30,000 followers. So, if you find your own niche on vine it can be a great, low cost platform to market your business or brand.  

You can find out more about Vine here.