What content management systems do Cosmic’s web team use? | Cosmic Skip to main content

What content management systems do Cosmic’s web team use?

The web team at Cosmic has experience in a host of different website platforms, coding languages and content management systems, but which are the CMS platforms that we use when building websites for a client?

CMS Made Simple

CMS Made Simple, often referred to as CMSMS, is a content management system that Cosmic has been using for a number of years.

Its easy-to-navigate user interface is perfect for the average webmaster, only showing exactly what you need to see when making changes to your website.

With CMSMS, Cosmic’s developers are able to craft beautiful designs for clients, as well as integrate features such as news and galleries.


Drupal is undoubtedly one of the most well-known content management systems on the market right now.

Drupal is an open source software maintained and developed by a community of over 1,000,000 users and developers. This open development model means that people are constantly working to make sure Drupal is a cutting-edge platform that supports the latest technologies that the Web has to offer.

Drupal gives Cosmic’s developers much more room for extensive and more complicated programming – this means that we can deliver websites to clients with more complex features such as directories, geo-coded maps and e-commerce elements.

We like to use Drupal when the client feels they may want some further development work done at a later stage, such as the implementation of a directory or online shop – Drupal is a very future-proof CMS which means we can do this without any issues.


WordPress is one of – if not the most – well-known content management systems available. WordPress is primarily a blogging platform, but in recent years has been adapted to give the developer the ability to make a fully optimised website for their business or project.

Like Drupal and CMS Made Simple, WordPress is open source, which means there are millions of developers with the ability to work on and improve the system.

We like to use WordPress for the reason above, as well as the fact it is easy to use and comes with a host of great features.

We use the WooCommerce feature which gives your standard WordPress website the ability to sell products online, which has proved incredibly popular.

On the other end of the spectrum, WordPress has a large quantity of great templates which can be used – as this requires less of the developers time, we are able to create beautiful websites using these templates for a lower price.

These are just a few reasons as to why we use these content management systems – if you’d like to learn more about these systems and why we use them, get in touch with the Cosmic team on 0845 094 6108, e-mail us on info@cosmic.org.uk or send us a tweet to @Cosmic_UK!