What are responsive templates? | Cosmic Skip to main content

What are ‘responsive templates’, and why should my website have them?

For a lot of people with websites, the term ‘responsive templates’ may not be new, but do you know what they are?

What is a responsive design?

A responsive website design allows your website to adapt to the different sized monitor or device that it is being viewed on.

It does this by altering the appearance and layout of the website so that it can be viewed at the optimum size, often by shrinking menus into clickable drop-down lists, stacking boxes that were formerly in rows and removing large images. A good example of this is on the Cosmic website – if you take a look at our website on a smartphone or tablet, you will notice some considerable changes on the homepage, particularly the three call to action boxes (websites, tech support and digital marketing). You will notice that on the web version they are in a row of three, whereas when shrunk down to tablet these rearrange into a row of two and a row of one, and when going even further down to a smartphone size, they stack into three rows.

Why should I have responsive templates?

A very high percentage of internet users are accessing the web from their smartphone or tablet. This means that if your website is not responsive, there is a high chance that your website shows up incredibly small and is just scaled down – this forces the user to ‘pinch and zoom’ to read your content which is not a good experience for the user.

Responsive templates show to your readers that you have an up-to-date, modern website which is capable of working well with modern and up-to-date technology – this will provide an overall better browsing experience for the user making it much easier for them to navigate your website.

If you would like to know more about responsive websites, please give the Cosmic web team a call on 0845 094 6108 or send an e-mail to info@cosmic.org.uk.