We are ready! | Cosmic Skip to main content

We have been so busy these past days and weeks getting ready for this!

We’ve put a new and improved team together and we are now Steve, Tim, Andy, Fiona G and Fiona W! We’ve had ‘get-to-know-each-other’ meetings, we’ve explored each others skills, we’ve shared knowledge, planned and prepared. Kate has guided and liaised, informed, suggested and we are ready! We’ve even had a new banner made – so no excuses for not seeing us! The whole of the area has been told we are coming and has been well-and-truely informed. They know, and hopefully you do too!

Come and see us in Cullompton

What am I talking about? Sorry didn’t I say? The free Drop-in IT clinic of course, in Cullompton on Thursday the 21st! At the Kings Head pub on the high street. We’ll be there from 10:30 with loads of free IT help, guidance and support.

You are coming aren’t you?