Resizing your website images for Pinterest | Cosmic Skip to main content

Resizing your website images for Pinterest

Since we wrote our blog post we have an additional reason as to why resizing website images is important.

Making your images pinnable

We have written (here: about how important it is to have images within your website or blog that are pinnable, but why?

Pinterest delivers significant traffic to your website (source: and so if you would like to maximise your impact then it would help to look at your image content.

Make the images desirable – have a look through your current website, would *you* pin your current images? If not then change them, find more appealing ones. Not only will better images improve your website as a whole, but you will increase your chances of being pinned and re-pinned.

To make your images suitable for Pinterest they also need to be a certain size. On your website the images have to be an absolute minimum of 80x80 pixels for you to be able to pin them, however we recommend them being bigger than this. Pinterest resizes all images down to a 192-pixel wide thumbnail, which once you click on it, Pinterest will display the image at its maximum size up to 736 pixels wide (by any dimension tall). Therefore, to make your images look their best you want them to be as close to 736 pixels wide as possible.

To make it easier for your followers, also add a Pin it button to your website. When the user hovers over the image a button will appear in the top left corner of the image to allow them to pin directly to their Pinterest page.

If you would like to find out more about sizes required for all your imagery in Pinterest then take a look at this handy cheat sheet

And if you would like any more information or help with pinning images then please don’t hesitate to give us a call!