A profile on Gary Ebsworth | Cosmic Skip to main content


Introducing Gary Ebsworth – Cosmic’s Senior Web Developer and Executive Director. At Cosmic, Gary is a real problem solver! He spends most of his time coding and troubleshooting for customers, as well as drinking lots of tea!

Gary’s been at Cosmic for five years now, and like many other staff members Gary’s favourite part about working at Cosmic is the people he works with, although this does have its downside as he really dislikes the size of the tea round now we have an additional six staff members!

Gary says his must-do job every day is to read up on the latest Drupal-related news so he can keep himself in the know.

We asked Gary to describe his typical working day at Cosmic, and he said his day consists of checking the tech news, answering e-mails, coding, more coding, drinking tea, thinking about coding and even more coding.

Gary is a bit of a family man – when asked what he does outside of work, he replied with “whatever my wife tells me to do”!

Robbie WilliamsHis claim to fame is making some railings for singer-songwriter Robbie Williams, and said if he ruled the world he would make sure every single person left their own country at least five times in their life to see how other people live!

And an interesting fact about our Senior Developer – he was once bitten by a cobra in India…ouch!