Perfect Bedfellows - social media and social enterprise | Cosmic Skip to main content

Perfect Bedfellows - social media and social enterprise

Its funny how a bit of an industry 'kick-off' and some time on your hands can make you think more about something which perhaps should be obvious.

And so is the case with the recent global dialogue about use of the term 'social enterprise' stimulated by Salesforce attempt to trade mark it for its use in connection with social media in business. Well, it made me think.

For Cosmic the double-meaning use of 'social enterprise' could play to our advantage?

After all, we are a fully-fledged social enterprise in the sense of our business model, and we also deliver excellent services and support for businesses using social media and digital marketing.  Perhaps we should have a new brand tag-line - 'the best social enterprise for social enterprise'!

More importantly though, is the opportunity for Cosmic to start reinforcing our key messages about why we do business this way, and how vital good use of social media strategy is for all our clients - existing and future. Making sure we maximise the impact of our business in delivering top quality digital services and at the same time making sure our project work focusses on some of the most important social imperatives in our communities - alleviating poverty, overcoming disadvantage, supporting learning and improving lives.

More importantly than all the debate, news, campaigning: What does 'social enterprise' mean to you though?