An overview of work experience at Cosmic in East Devon | Cosmic Skip to main content

An overview of work experience at Cosmic in East Devon

At Cosmic we know how important it is that young people get a valuable insight into the digital world, Social Enterprise and to learn more about work environments and how businesses operate on both small and large scales. That’s why we offer regular work experience placements to promising students via application.

Brilliant to have Jade (work experience) #cosmicuk at @DCBC_voice meeting today #risingstar #business

— cosmicjulie (@cosmicjulie) June 12, 2015

What is work experience with Cosmic like?

Work experience at Cosmic is supportive and realistic- you won’t just be making the tea and coffee! We try our best to give students the chance to work on similar projects as our staff and support them to deliver pieces of work which are actually used on the Cosmic website and sent out to our customers. We believe that real life experience is the best way to learn so we do everything possible to make your work experience a realistic representation of an average week here at Cosmic.

"During my week being at Cosmic I learnt a tremendous amount. Everyday I learnt a different skill, weather it be learning how the web team dealt with a specific issue or how they adapted to meet the clients needs I have valued it all greatly. The team in general were extremely welcoming towards me which I highly appreciate"- Work experience student Thomas Driver

Each work experience student gets a tailored package of work to complete in the week which is structured around their interests and what they’d most like to gain experience in at Cosmic. Wherever possible these tasks relate to real pieces of work that the Cosmic team do on a day to day basis such as creating infographics, writing blogs, designing websites and customer service. This means that each student gets an individual experience which is a real reflection of every day work

What work experience do we offer at Cosmic?

The type of work experience we can offer at Cosmic is hugely varied and can often depend very much on the student who is applying. We are primarily a digital company but because we are also a social enterprise this often attracts students interested in this side of our business too.

In the past our work experience students have worked on:

It’s fair to say that there is often a lot of cross-over in our business so most students get to experience bits and pieces of all of these areas and if you are looking for something more specific that isn’t listed here, please contact us and we’ll do our best to accommodate it.

What sort of work experience students do we look for?

Generally work experience students who come to Cosmic have a positive, can-do attitude. They are normally good independent workers with strong ethics and a passion for digital technology of some sort whether this be graphic design or computer gaming. They also match the majority of Cosmic’s values; to be friendly, ethical, inspirational, supportive and innovative. It also helps if you have a basic prior understanding of social enterprise.

How to apply for work experience at Cosmic

We are looking for work experience applications now!

You can apply for work experience by sending us an email at answering the following questions:

  • Why you would like to specifically have a work experience opportunity with us
  • What areas interest you the most
  • Why should we choose you
  • Tell us something interesting about yourself

In your application you should also include your name, contact details and a summary of your skills and experience.

Applications are open until 1st November 2016 for the 2016/17 school year. We will then telephone interview those we feel met our criteria and will offer placements in the following weeks.

Testimonial from parent of former work experience student

“Just a quick note to thank you and all the team at Cosmic for taking Thomas for his work experience placement this past week, he has had a fantastic and very enjoyable week and thanks to yourself and all the team he has learnt a lot and definitely wants to progress into an apprenticeship when he leaves school into IT and web design/development.

If you could pass on my thanks to all the staff as they made Thomas feel very welcome, in particular Vicky and Pete.”