Our experience on #SocialSaturday | Cosmic Skip to main content

Our experience on #SocialSaturday

Social Saturday image

Last Saturday was a bit of a celebration for Social Enterprises up and down the country. As part of the celebrations here, we decided to blog throughout the day releasing our top 25 Social Enterprise tunes and a Q & A with our CEO Julie Hawker whose passion and experience in Social Enterprise makes her the ideal person to ask about all things social.

Our top ten tunes were as follows;

  1. Imagine- John Lennon
  2. Don’t stop (Thinking about tomorrow)- Fleetwood Mac
  3. Respect- Aretha Franklin
  4. Get by with a little help from my friends
  5. Stand by me- Ben E. King
  6. You’re my best friend- Queen
  7. What a feeling- Flashdance
  8. All you need is love- Beatles
  9. I know where I’ve been- Hairspray the musical
  10. Harvest for the world- The Isley Brothers

Over the week previous to #SocialSaturday, we asked everyone within Cosmic and our external networks to submit questions for Julie to answer about Cosmic and Social Enterprise. We also asked for your favourite Social Enterprise Tunes and we put all of this into a blog using Tumblr.

We hadn’t used Tumblr before and next week we’ll be writing a blog reviewing our experience with it as a platform and the positives and negatives of its features and flaws.

Overall, we thought getting involved with #SocialSaturday on Social Media was the perfect way to celebrate and if you’d like to take a look at all our songs and questions, go to cosmicethicalit.tumblr.com. Also, check out our twitter feed for all the hashtag goodness that was being shared on Saturday.