LinkedIn for beginners [Part 3] | Cosmic Skip to main content

In our previous two posts we introduced you to LinkedIn and how to start connecting and interacting with potential employers and collaborators. This week we are going to look a little deeper into how you can maximise LinkedIn in your business, including day to day usage.

Like other social media platforms, you can post statuses on a daily basis, and this is important to let your connections know what you have been up to (in a professional capacity). If you have news with regards to your work, or you have found a blog post that your connections will be interested in then link to that.

Like other channels, it is important that you are sharing quality content, but keeping it in context with who you are, what you do and your area of work. The more regularly you are posting, the more visible you are in your connections feeds. To build your reputation, influence and increase your Klout then LinkedIn is an excellent channel to do that. Remember that you want to be seen as the expert in your field and so sharing content that becomes shareable for others, as well as informing your connections about latest industry news will really help with that.

Groups are extremely useful, if used correctly. There are lots of groups full of spam but others are mostly valuable. There are many groups within your industry that you can access for advice and support. Also the groups give you another opportunity to connect with relevant organisations and people. You can discuss ideas, share news, and build your professional network. But again– remember context!

Keep in mind that LinkedIn is an excellent business networking platform, which allows you to not only keep in touch with people and professions but also helps you to stay up to date with industry trends and then to share this information with others.

LinkedIn is very useful if you want to do your research with regards to an organisation or person you are looking to do business with. You can find mutual connections if there are any, or have that bit of background knowledge that can start a valuable conversation. 

You can build your professional network, increase your visibility online and provide valuable information and content to your peers. LinkedIn also helps with that trust building that is key when networking.

Always remember to stay professional on LinkedIn, as this is your introduction to the business world. Keep in mind that potential employers, colleagues, collaborators and business partners will look at your LinkedIn profile before meeting you and they need to be impressed with what they see.

Good luck! And if you need any further support or advice please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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