IT resolutions - OR - I.T. and the next 12 months! | Cosmic Skip to main content

IT resolutions - OR - I.T. and the next 12 months!

Is it possible to have IT resolutions given the relentless march of technology? I mean, how can we predict what will be trending in the next 12 months? The platforms we are using now, although they feel like they have been around for ever – haven’t! I’ve been at Cosmic for over 7 years, YouTube recently celebrated it’s fith birthday! When I started, Facebook was a hard-backed book at Harvard containing all the names and photos of members of each year (how cute!) – Marck Zuckerberg was trying to crack on with his Phd, now he’s got $4bn in the bank and has recently been in China talking to the powers that be there about getting ‘The Face Book’ unblocked there. Google was just a search engine! It doesn’t quite seem possible really!

I’m an IT fan! All of us at Cosmic are! We love tech, IT, gadgets and gizmos. We ( nearly) all got very excited this year when Cosmic got some Mi-Fi’s! When you first see them, you don’t quite know what they are, or do – but you want one! They are sexy!! If someone had said to me last Christmas that we’d be running events with net access via little black boxes which turned 3G in Wi-Fi I’d have said “Ya blonkers mate!”

Looking to the future. When are we going to stop calling mobile phones, “Mobile Phones?” The small, portable, wireless, computer device (the title needs a little work) does so much, do we need anything else? Will Facebook, Ebay, Google and Twitter simply take over and buy-up everything else on the net (eBay buys up German online auction house last month!)? Google accounts compulsory for new and exsisting businesses! What about Facebook buys Ebay, or Google buys Twitter! A buy-out too far may-be? How about Facebook buys Tescos!!

Is the future all about the big names on the net or is it about the net itself? I see a future of internet crashes if something isn’t done soon. With everything we are asking of it, will it survive? How long before we need a ‘Net2?’ Can the net as we know it simply be enlarged and enlarged forever? Even if the whole of the UK gets 20 meg broadband, how long will it be before we want (need) 50, 100, 500 meg speeds!

Let’s look at fantasy predictions – how about 2meg broadband for everyone (I did say fantasy). I’d like to be able to control a computer with a thought – forget 360 Kinect! iPads compulsory for all school children (my kids gave me that one) wi-fi direct to the brain, tele-pathic texting, Twitter implants, communication devices for teenagers which if they didn’t answer, £5 would automatically be taken off their allowance!

If you look around at all the things we have now-a-days, smart-phones, ipads, GPS, etc etc – even the net itself they are all almost fantasy predictions, no-one could have perdicted any of them!

But in this new year before us – 2011; I hope will allow me to still enjoy technology, to be able to keep up with technology, to be able to pass on my love of technology and so hopefully someone in 12 months time, someone who as you read this post doesn’t give a fig for technology will have that same hope!

Happy New (Technology) Year from us all at Cosmic – “Everything IT under one friendly roof!”. “How can we help you?”

We’ll speak to you soon!!
