How do Facebook's new 'reactions' change your page? | Cosmic Skip to main content

How do Facebook's new 'reactions' change your page?

You might have noticed a few changes to Facebook recently in the form of some fun, animated emojis which have been added to the social network world-wide in the last week. The new arrivals have split Facebook fans, some saying they’re not necessary and some now relishing the opportunity to express how they really feel in just one press of a button (well almost!)

Meet the new kids on the block:

Facebook Like

This is the good old ‘like’ we all know and love reincarnated to a reaction. Perfect to click if you like what you’re seeing and agree with the sentiment of the post.

Facebook Love

The next step up from ‘like’, ‘love’ is used for posts where a ‘like’ just won’t suffice. A new baby being born perhaps, Taylor Swift’s latest album cover or the latest ‘how to’ blog being published by our experts here at Cosmic.

Facebook Haha

This is the reaction that does what it says on the tin. ‘Haha’ is for laughing at a post, though it’s yet to be established if you are laughing at the clever comment being made on the post or at the person who posted it.

Facebook Wow

Open-mouthed and tongue less, this reaction is appropriate for shocking statistics, the latest political scandal and Leonardo Di Caprio finally winning his Oscar this weekend. Also good to use to show your friends that their behaviour shocks or surprises you.

Facebook Sad

A reaction that many Facebook users have been waiting quite a while for is the ability to demonstrate empathy or sympathy on a post without writing in the comments. ‘Liking’ the fact that your friends dog just died or that they got soaking wet in the rain has never felt right, instead you will now be able to express your sorrow through the simple use of the unhappy face.

Facebook Angry

We predict this will be the most-used reaction on Facebook as a ‘dislike’ button has been a highly requested feature on the social network since the beginning. Though ‘angry’ doesn’t quite fit the bill, it will probably be just right for expressing your dislike for annoying posts about bacon baps for breakfast or the next time someone says something inappropriate on a reality TV show.

How do reactions effect my Facebook page?

I think reactions will be a really great indicator for Facebook page owners over the coming months. At the moment we can tell how successful posts are just by how many ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ they receive but now we’ll have the opportunity to dig down deeper into those analytics and measure just how much a user ‘likes’ or even ‘loves’ what you’re putting out, or if they’re having a different reaction entirely.