Facebook - is it too big? | Cosmic Skip to main content

Now Facebook is moving in on Google for internet domination are we starting to say that Facebook is too big? Is that fair on poor old Facebook? Facebook places hits the net and ‘Foursquare’ and ‘Gowalla’s’ numbers drop.

The BBC say Facebook is after Gmail’s numbers (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11743524).

Facebook have 3 times more images than Flickr – the self-crowned king of images on the net. Should we be worried?

Earlier this year the Guardian/Observer asked “Is Facebook now “too big to fail”?” (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/mar/14/facebook-john-naughton-the-networker) The piece says about AOL (Quote)
“ History suggests not. In the world of technology even giants can stumble – or fail. Once upon a time AOL was the reigning online behemoth. At its peak in the 1990s it had 30 million paying subscribers (which at the time was a significant proportion of the online population in the US and Europe) and thought itself big enough to take over Time Warner.”

So what if it does? Quote: The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Part 4
“You’ll have a national philosopher’s strike on your hands…” Who would that inconvenience? If Facebook failed, who would that inconvenience? Now if Google failed, that would be more of an issue; surely!