Cookie law update for clients | Cosmic Skip to main content

On May 26 2012, sites that don't comply with the EU ePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC disclosure requirements could be subject to fines up to £500,000.

The Cookie Law was passed last year, which required website owners to provide upfront information about what information they are recording and gain user consent. Sites were given 12 months grace and this time has now run out.

Here's a great 2 minute video explaining the law and the reality of the options available to you.

There are several ways to deal with the law as the above video describes. Here's how some of the big businesses are dealing with it.

Marks and Spencer - have adopted a simple approach and created a page describing the policy and asking you to disable cookies in your browser if you don't want them to work

British Telecom - uses a pop up at the bottom right of the page

Information Commissioners Office - have included a tick box within their statement and have listed all cookies used here.

BBC - using a header drop down

Cosmic - using a discreet pop up style linking to our privacy statement.

For SitesPlus and SWChambersOnline and basic website customers

the simplest approach will be to put some text on your home page linking to a new additional page on your site, or your contact us page.

Here's some text you might like to try.

'This website places cookies, which are small data files, on your computer or handheld device. This is standard practice for all websites.

Cookies are essential for helping us deliver a high quality website and/or online shopping experience for our customers.

By using and browsing this website, you consent to cookies being used in accordance with our policy. If you do not consent, you must disable cookies or refrain from using the site. You can opt-out of being tracked by Google Analytics here.'

Drupal built websites and Other CMS websites built by Cosmic

Again, you can opt to use text as suggested above, or you can ask us to set up a pop-up or header or footer style as we've used on our site. It is a small development for your site.

For full info on the law, read the cookies_guidance PDF from the Information Commissioners Office.

Please get in touch if you would like to talk through your options, email us on or call on 0845 094 6108.