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Since September 2018 Cosmic has been working with Adult Social Care providers in Devon to develop and deliver an effective Leadership and Management programme. This programme is now scheduled to go into a full roll-out across the county from June 2019. In the pilot programme we delivered training to around 40 individuals from 30 service providers, with training in performance management, change, digital trends, partnerships, culture, operational management and more. Each of the workshops was tailored to reflect specific requirements for the service including the essential links with Devon County Council’s Adult Social Care teams and the CQC. The workshops provided a real opportunity for peer learning as well with top quality levels of interaction between providers.   

Working to support key sectors of the local economy is high on Cosmic’s priorities for this year, with many of our local businesses holding real potential for expansion and growth. In the case of Adult Social Care, the benefits of supporting providers with new skills also means a major contribution to the social impact as well as economic success. For Cosmic, this serves our own core objectives for social impact too.  

Julie Hawker, Joint CEO of Cosmic explains a bit about the background for this work: “We see how vitally important the work and growth of Adult Social Care in Devon is now and in the years ahead. We understand how essential it will be to grow the services on offer – both in terms of the scale and quality of the provision. Having been commissioned by Devon County Council to work on this programme, we very soon developed a keen sense of commitment to the service and its key people, and particularly how our approach to leadership development could make a meaningful impact.”  

We now look forward to delivering the main programme over the next year.

Details of the full workshop series can be accessed here.