Business leaders - wake up to social media! | Cosmic Skip to main content

Business leaders - wake up to social media!

Here at Cosmic demand for training in Social Media is higher than ever. Daily we are delivering workshops, mentoring and online advice to support our clients in making more effective use of the tools now available, and of course focusing on the ones which are most effective for their business. And yet, we still think that the majority of business leaders and business owners are not engaging in understanding the power of social media.

Why would that be? There is no doubt by now that the interaction which social media provides with customers, supporters, partners and suppliers is very strong. It builds understanding, relationships, conversation and feedback. We can also demonstrate in many case studies how clever planning and implementation of social media strategy can drive brand recognition, engagement and of course profitability.

So, business leaders – wake up! You can’t go on leaving social media and its use to your people in marketing, public relations, or admin. This stuff requires strong strategic planning, focused implementation, and effective monitoring to ensure investment of time is well-spent. Simple processes and systems can be established, but they need to compliment and build-on the business plans and strategic direction.

What about a simple approach to starting your social media strategy

  • create your buzz
  • develop a framework to carry key messages on Twitter, Facebook and follow-up with interaction
  • build the conversation listen-and-learn
  • make sure you are following and liking the people and organisations which will help you to learn – about your industry, your audience, your customers
  • influence and develop your markets – ‘its not about selling, its about helping people to buy’

Cosmic’s next Happy Hour is Friday 13th July at 3pm – register now to come along and learn more about the next steps in social media