Autumn: the season of tech | Cosmic Skip to main content

It’s that time of year again where all the biggest tech companies are announcing their latest gadgets and gizmos in time for Christmas and previewing what consumers have to look forward to over the following year. We’ve compiled this helpful list of highlights so that you know which bits are worth waiting for!

1.    The Apple watch is rightly one of the most anticipated pieces of tech being released in 2015. Although other smart watches have been released already, none have hit the masses yet. Could this be the one to change all that? With its unique scroll wheel on the side, slick Apple design and myriad of different strap combinations and price points, this could be the wearable tech revolution we’ve all been waiting for.

2.    The Tesco Hudl 2 is the next piece on our list as it trail blazes the way for affordable tech. It’s already been released just in time for Christmas and at just £129 or less with club card points this really is the bargain tablet to beat. It’s had a spec overhaul and a brand new design which brings it into line with modern design ideas. It also makes the perfect tablet for kids given its durability and price point.

3.    We’ve tested a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 in the office and it is an impressive piece of kit. It may have taken Microsoft three iterations to get it right, but the Pro 3 has arrived and it’s proving to be on the best seller list for business tech. It combines great portability, durability and connectivity which is backed up by laptop standard specs. As Microsoft points out; ‘this is the tablet to replace your laptop’.

4.     One exciting piece of tech is yet to be released, but do not fear, another Apple event is just around the corner so it won’t be long until we get to find out what the latest releases of the iPad and possible Apple TV have in store for us. Currently, the rumours suggest that the new iPad may come in three sizes and that it will be slimmer and more powerful that before.

5.    HTCs answer to the Go Pro camera is an interesting one. The design is a bit love/hate for a lot of people and it has been likened to an asthma inhaler and a periscope. However, reviewers of the camera so far are liking it and saying the design is practical and that it works well. Only the test of time will determine how popular it will be compared to the current market leaders but competition is normally a good thing in the world of tech.

6.    We have another HTC entry on the list with another camera focussed gadget. HTC and Nokia have both released devices whose target audience is selfie centric but we think HTCs offering is as good as it gets right now. It’s front facing ‘eye’ camera is exactly the same as the rear facing camera meaning the snaps you take facing forward are just a good a quality as those taken with the rear camera. This is quite an advancement in the smartphone world and we wonder how many other manufacturers will take this approach.

7.    If you’re looking to give someone a new laptop for Christmas or you’re just think of treating yourself in the New Year, Lenovo’s ‘Yoga’ range is definitely the place to look for ultra-portable and powerful machines. These touchscreen laptops flip all the way around to become a ‘tent’ or tablet with a variety of different viewing angles in between. Their newest addition has a unique ‘chain’ hinge which increases stability. HP have also recently released a similar range which is more affordable than Lenov’s offering but they are a little chunkier.

8.    We couldn’t let this one slip through the net- the iPhone release is always one of the biggest announcements of the tech year and this September was no exception. The iPhone 6 is the biggest design change in the series since the iPhone 4 and with the release of Apple Pay and native health-centric apps; it looks like a big year for our technological lives.

If you’d like to find out more about any of these devices or you have any questions or feedback on the post, do get in touch via our social media, on email at or by phone in office hours on 0845 094 6108.