Archie Hailes' work experience with Cosmic | Cosmic Skip to main content

Archie Hailes' work experience with Cosmic

I chose Cosmic because it is a combination of two things that I enjoy; technology and helping people.

My week at Cosmic has been incredible; I had no idea what I was doing when I started but I soon understood what it was that I was doing and how I was doing it and this was due to the people at Cosmic. All of the people at Cosmic have been really nice, offering help whenever I have asked and being generally nice to work with. I have especially enjoyed having access to high end software that I couldn’t use at home and having the perfect balance of being given some advice but also being left to figure out what to do own my own.

Before coming to Cosmic I had no ideas about what I wanted to do with regards to jobs, but my experience at Cosmic has opened my eyes to what it is like to work and given me a lot of useful skills that will definitely help if I look for a job in this field such as some basic coding and some basic Photoshop skills.

I was given a task sheet that entailed me designing a website to the requirements of a previous client of Cosmic, I had to write a quote, make two designs; one of which was based around the requirements and the other of which was based around what I wanted to do. One the designs was then chosen, depending on how easy it was to build and how good it looked, to be taken further, the design that was chosen of mine was the one based around the clients requirements. The next process was coding, I found this considerably harder than the designing but luckily I was talked through very well, my website was not fully coded by the last day, but it was at a stage that I was happy with.