6 questions for new team member Silvia Paloschi | Cosmic Skip to main content

6 questions for new team member Silvia Paloschi

Silvia PaloschiSilvia is the newest member of the Cosmic team, so we asked her six questions about herself so you can get to know our newest recruit a bit better!

1. What do you do here at Cosmic?

I am a Digital Trainer for the Positive People project in Devon. It’s a new project aiming to enable those with a disadvantaged background and little knowledge of the new digital technologies to bring their skills up to a level which is suitable for the modern world and job market demands.

2. What’s your favourite part of the job, and what are you most excited about doing?

I have a real passion for working with people and helping them achieve their objectives. The scope of the Positive People project excites me, as it involves reaching out to those parts of the community which are often neglected and forgotten about. Helping people develop their skills and therefore enhance their social inclusion and employability in our fast-changing world is what attracted me to this job the most.

3. What do you like the most about Cosmic?

Cosmic’s mission statement and values as a company: inspirational, ethical, friendly, supportive, innovative. The people who work here are a true reflection of those values and have made me feel instantly welcome. What more could you want from your workplace!

4. What is the most interesting thing about you or that you have done?

Swimming with wild dolphins in the Red Sea but also travelling around Mexico, climbing up its pyramids and swimming in its cenotes (subterranean groundwater pools) are some of the experiences that I have enjoyed the most. I have also walked 40 miles in one go for a charity challenge last summer and, since I did some of it in the rain (torrential rain to be fully honest) without complaining and wearing the right kit, I think I can now consider myself as a proper Brit (although my Italian origins still come through from time to time).  

5. Are you Apple or Android?

I am Android (I find it more user-friendly), but I do own an iPad.

6. What are your hobbies or interest?

I turned one of my favourite hobbies (learning English) into a real-life experience, so for hobbies, other than constantly trying to get better at banter and English humour (hard, really hard for a European, so please be patient with me), I currently tend to rely on yoga sessions, running and listening to music whenever I can.