6 questions for new team member Gemma Spencer | Cosmic Skip to main content

6 questions for new team member Gemma Spencer

Gemma SpencerGemma has recently joined the Cosmic team so we asked her a few questions about herself so you can get to know our newest team member a little bit better.

1. What do you do here at Cosmic?

I have just started as a Digital Marketing Apprentice.

2. What is your favourite part of the job/what are you most excited about doing?

I think one of my most favourite parts about the job is knowing that there will be something/someone new to deal with quite frequently, keeping everything interesting. I am most excited about being able to be work with different companies and being able to build relationships with them that will hopefully continue to grow over time.

3. What do you like most about Cosmic?

I have two favourite things about Cosmic, the first one being how friendly and welcoming everyone here is. Straight away you feel comfortable speaking to everyone, and asking any questions. The second one is definitely how much Cosmic focusing on the clients being happy and doing what they know is best for them. I think that is so important in a local business and makes me feel confident and comfortable about working with them.

4. What is the most interesting thing about you or that you have done?

I would say the most interesting thing that I done so far is moving from Canada to England with my family five years ago. It was a big shock seeing how different the two countries are and having to adjust. But also one of the most interesting and rewarding things I have ever done, giving me so many opportunities that I never would have had the chance to do.

5. Are you Apple or Android?

Apple currently but could easily go back to Android. Personally I don’t have a preference for either, I changed over to Apple not that long ago wanting a change from Android, but haven’t noticed an extraordinary difference. 

6. What are your hobbies or interests?

One of my main interests has always been travelling, most recently been around France and a main goal is to go all over Europe. Another interest/hobby being photography, having taken it as a BTEC in college I have learnt many new things and continue to learn more even out of college.