6 questions for new team member Emma Stannard | Cosmic Skip to main content

6 questions for new team member Emma Stannard

Emma StannardEmma Stannard is one of Cosmic's newest members of staff, so we asked her some questions about herself so you can get to know her a little bit better.

What do you do here at Cosmic?

I’m the Administrator for the Devon Positive People Project, I provide high quality administrative support to the whole team across the Devon project.

Ensuring records are up to date, accurate and in accordance to GDPR Law.

What’s your favourite part about the job, and what are you most excited about doing?

I think my favourite part will be organising all the folders into trainer and alphabetical order, also being part of such and amazing, inspiring team.

I am excited to create posters and attend engagement events and gadget shows with the Digital Trainers when I am all caught up with the admin work. Support and meet the participants that we help as part of the project.

What do you like most about Cosmic?

It makes such a positive impact on individuals and families lives, from teaching someone basic computer skills to reuniting them with family via social media and helping them with job search.

It is a very heart-warming corporation to be a part of to know we can support people in many ways.

What is the most interesting about you or that you have done?

So I won my first fancy dress competition as Jerry (from Tom & Jerry) my sister was dressed as Tom. My mum made all the outfits and we won almost every competition we entered.

I absolutely love all kinds of animals, we have had a right zoo throughout my childhood years including fish, snails, tarantulas, snakes, hamsters, rabbits, ducks, cats, dogs and horses.

In 2008 I was involved in a freak skateboard accident where my nose was severely broken.

As a kid we lived close to the marshes of the wash, we loved exploring there and having picnics by our special picnic tree as a family. I am looking forward to exploring Devon and going for walks across the Jurassic trail.

Are you Apple or Android?

I currently have an Android but I have also had Apple. It’s so difficult to choose I think I prefer Android as there is a better range of free apps.

What are your hobbies or interests?

I absolutely love watching films and documentaries about natural disasters, my favourite films are ‘GEOSTORM’, ‘Twister’ and ‘Into the Storm’.

I also love anything Disney; my daughter and I spend quite a few days off together having movie marathons of our favourites.

I also enjoy playing Sims on the Xbox and going for long walks.