10 quick tips to make your digital life more efficient | Cosmic Skip to main content

10 quick tips to make your digital life more efficient

We are all trying to become more organised and efficient in our lives, and our digital lives should be no different. How can we use technology to help ourselves become more ordered? Here are a few ideas you can use…

  1. Unsubscribe. Scrolling through your email feed at the beginning of the working day, are there too many unwanted emails from companies? It takes no time at all to click ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of the email. Removes them from your feed and frees up space for the important emails to show through.
  2. IFTTT. ‘If this, then that’. A useful tool which helps you make connections between your apps. For example: ‘If I post a photo on instagram, save the photo to dropbox’. You can also organise your calendar or even control the temperature in your home!
  3. Tweetdeck. If you are on twitter you need to be using an organiser such as Tweetdeck (I know some prefer Hootsuite, but Tweetdeck is my personal preference.) Organise all your accounts, your searches, messages and notifications, and keep an eye on the relevant hashtags, all in one place! This saves you time as you aren’t scrolling through trying to keep on top of everything you need to.
  4. Scheduling. Tweets, facebook posts or emails - ideally you won’t be doing this all the time but there is a definite time and place when this is extremely useful and definitely saves you time when you need it.
  5. Pinterest. A great tool for storing and sharing images. Whether it be for personal or business use, you can keep all those images or references in one place and not have to remember again where you saw it!
  6. Trello. Love lists? You’ll love Trello! Another free online organiser, which in it’s own words ‘Trello lets you see everything about your project in a single glance.’
  7. Evernote. Another great library system. Whether you are taking notes, storing documents, web articles or images, this keeps them all in one organised place. Great for keeping all your projects in order, or share with colleagues. The sky is the limit with this one!
  8. Dropbox. Store all your photographs in one place. Install it on your iPad or phone and as soon as you’ve taken an image it uploads automatically onto Dropbox without you having to plug in/email. Straightforward, doesn’t take up space on your desktop and you can keep them organised in folders. You can even share photos with family or colleagues by inviting them to join your album. Which leads me on to…
  9. Labelling. Name your photos when you save them. From personal experience, this saves SO much time when you are searching for specific images! So simple, but very effective when wanting to work more efficiently.
  10. Password keeper. Do you spend too much time trying to remember passwords or getting them emailed to you? There are many password manager apps you can use, which protect your passwords and keep them conveniently stored for you. See which ones your mobile support, and read reviews before signing up.

 These are just a few free online tools that we find useful, you may have your own preferences? We’d love to hear your suggestions or experiences of being digitally organised!