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If you haven’t set-up your Facebook business account already, be sure to check out our post here.

Now you’re ready to get going with your content on your Page, here’s a bunch of different posts you can create to engage your customers and share your brand news and events.

  1. Facebook Text Post

Also known as the ‘status post’, this is the generic Facebook post – straightforward text.

Text posts are great when you want to be direct and to the point, whether you want to spark a conversation, or ask a question. You can use them to share important information your customers/audience might need to know, such as opening hours or upcoming events.

What’s great, is that Facebook also offers a ‘background’ option for text posts. When you’ve written your post, simply select the rainbow icon at the bottom of the post, and you can pick on a background.

  1. Facebook Photo Post

These posts generally see a much higher engagement than text post. Whether it’s a photo, illustration, or even an infographic, an eye-catching post is sure to catch the attention of a potential customer.

Ideal for product-focused businesses, photos that show the goods in action are a must. Whether you’re a gift shop, bakery, yoga instructor, or a finance guru, a photo post will surely attract your target audience.

  1. Facebook Video Post

Video posts see an even higher engagement rate than photo posts. You can create short-and-sweet video announcements, or longer videos with a narrative – anything goes, and it’s sure to inspire your audience to comment, react, or repost to their feeds.

Unless you specifically go into Facebook settings, video plays automatically in the news feed, so you’re all set to catch a potential customer’s attention!

  1. Facebook Live Video Post

Besides standard video posts, you can also create live videos. Live video is a more authentic way to connect with your followers. You can use these posts for live Q&As, behind-the-scenes tours, product demos and more.

  1. Linked Content Post (A.K.A. Link Posts)

A link post is a post which includes and therefore shares a URL with your followers. All you need to do is paste a link into the composition box, and a view of the website will automatically preview.

Not only can you share a link to your website, but you can also share content from other sources – especially useful and interesting pieces about your industry.

A good idea is to include a few words at the top of the post before you click Publish, so your audience can get some context to the link.

Link Posts certainly get more engagement than plain text posts but tend to get less engagement than photos or videos.

  1. Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories are pretty much the same as Instagram Stories. They are photo or short video posts that show in vertical format, and which disappear after 24 hours. Photos tend to appear for 5 seconds, whereas videos can be up to 20 seconds long.

Facebook Stories show up at the top of the News Feed. They are actually immune to the Facebook algorithm, which is probably the reason as to why half a billion people view Facebook Stories every day.

  1. Pinned Post

A pinned post is a regular Facebook post that stays put at the top of your Page.

Once you’ve created a post, whether it’s a text post, video, photo, or link post, simply click on the three dots on the top right-hand corner. You’ll have the option then to ‘pin post’. Facebook only allows you to pin one post at a time, but you can change your Pinned post whenever you’d like.

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