Social and Environmental Impact Report 2023 | Cosmic Skip to main content

Social and Environmental Impact Report 2023

 A Reflection of Purpose and Progress 

In 2023, Cosmic not only championed digital inclusivity but also forged a path towards substantial environmental stewardship. Our Annual Report is not just a recount of the past year but a celebration of the strides we have made in empowering communities and pioneering sustainable solutions. 

Embracing Sustainability and Inclusivity 

This year marked a significant milestone with our first unified report on social and environmental impact—showcasing our holistic approach to creating a sustainable future. "This integration exemplifies our commitment to not just meet, but exceed, our goals in both digital inclusivity and environmental sustainability," states Julie Hawker, CEO of Cosmic. 

Stories of Empowerment 

Our Cosmic Restart Programme has been a catalyst for positive change, enhancing digital literacy and boosting employability among participants. One inspiring example is Mohammad, who initially felt intimidated by technology. Today, he confidently uses platforms like Zoom for job interviews, showcasing a remarkable transformation in his skills and self-assurance. These personal success stories underscore the tangible effects of our initiatives, bringing the Cosmic mission to life by directly improving individuals' lives.

Looking Ahead with Optimism 

As we reflect on the past year's successes, we are also energised by the opportunities that lie ahead. "With every challenge we overcome, we are one step closer to our vision of a fully inclusive digital society," concludes Julie.

Read more about our journey and the lives we've touched in our full report. Let's continue to drive positive change together!

đź”—Read the full Report Here.

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