Why you should try Facebook Live | Cosmic Skip to main content

Why you should try Facebook Live

When it comes to engagement and sharing, video wins hands-down. In fact, according to Brightcove social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. Combine social video with the world's most powerful social network and you get a social magnet that is bound to draw an audience to your business.

Facebook Live has been available to all Facebook users for a few months now and it is being heavily used by many across the globe. All you need to get started it a smartphone with a built in camera, an internet connection and a Facebook account.

So why should you use Facebook Live?

Facebook Live is a pretty hot medium right now and a lot of people are using it, so it may be a good idea for you to take the jump with it now before people start to lose interest. As with any other trend on social networks, you need to be quick to act to be able to utilise it to its best.

It is also incredibly easy to use. YouTube have been offering live streaming for several years now, but it is not as easy to initiate. You first have to delve into the settings on your YouTube account to allow live streaming through your channel, and there are also quite a few settings to play around with such as titles, descriptions, etc. before you can start your stream. When it comes to Facebook however, all you need to is press on the new status box, click on the Facebook Live Icon, type in a short description to introduce your video and that's it, you're live!

Facebook Live is also a great tool to help your audience get to know you better and can really humanise your brand. Because the video is live, you aren't able to cut and edit your video and you will most likely have to think on your feet when talking on camera, meaning your audience will get the opportunity to see the real you.

Your live videos are publicly viewable by everyone on Facebook, and as video content is generally engaged with far more than image or text posts, your audience is more likely to tune in. As well as this, Facebook also seem to be promoting Facebook Live right now. They are obviously investing heavily in live video so they want these videos to be seen, meaning you’re far more likely to get better engagement from your audience. Facebook have also introduced an interactive map of every Live video that is taking place in real time around the world. This is a great feature for those that want to find Live Streams that are taking place locally to them.

One of the best features of Facebook Live though is that it is completely free to use, so apart from the time that you spend using it, you don’t have to pay to use the service. 

Facebook Live won't necessarily work for everyone, but the only way you will know this is if you try it out.

If you need any support with your social media or video content requirements please do not hesitate to contact us on 01404 548405 or info@cosmic.org.uk.