Websites by Cosmic: Social Enterprise Network Somerset | Cosmic Skip to main content

Websites by Cosmic: Social Enterprise Network Somerset

Cosmic recently had the pleasure of developing a new website for Social Enterprise Network Somerset, a "support hub and champion for emerging and existing not-for-private-profit businesses across Somerset."

Social Enterprise Network Somerset needed to the website to be light and refreshing for the reader, with clearly signposted information on how SENS can help your organisation. As well as basic informatioin, the website features a directory of network members with each directly listing having a company bio and links to their websites and social media channels.

"Social Enterprise Network Somerset is really pleased with our new website. Thanks Cosmic, for a great service!" 
Lindy Booth, Director.

The design is template based, though uses plenty of modifications to get it to where the client wanted it to be. Large visuals give the website a very modern feel, and coupled with the colourful branding Cosmic designed for them it really gives the website a positive feel. The ability to post latest company news and upcoming events is a great addition to the website - the consistent feed of new content is great for search engines as well as the reader.

Cosmic met with SENS directors Lindy and Jon at the beginning of October 2015 to go through final amendments to the website before going live in time for Social Enterprise Saturday. The team also celebrated officially becoming a Community Interest Company (CIC).

To learn more about Social Enterprise Network Somerset and find out how they can help you, head over to