Visit to the House of Commons | Cosmic Skip to main content

As part of our work helping people to use superfast broadband, we were invited to the Houses of Parliament yesterday to discuss with MPs the benefits of superfast broadband and the difference it has made to us as a business. To accompany our visit BT wrote a case study of Cosmic which you can view in detail here.

One of the main angles we discussed was the upload speeds of the broadband. For us this is of huge advantage as many of the team are out and about delivering training and presentations, it is essential that we can be flexible about sending and receiving presentations, photos and videos. This better communication between our team is facilitated by fibre optic broadband.

Another advantage for us is the money we save on travel fees by trying to implement video conferencing where possible. Using services like Google Hangouts, Skype and others we are able to connect up to 10 people on one video call and not have any adverse effects on the speed that the rest of the office get online. This is also evident in every day work for us as the web team often upload and download large files and before we had fibre, it would slow the rest of the office down because their bandwidth would be significantly decreased.

If you have fibreoptic broadband and you'd like to share your experiences with us, let us know by emailing us at or get in touch via phone on 0845 094 6108.