Using WordPress? Make sure you're signed up to Gravatar | Cosmic Skip to main content

Using WordPress? Make sure you're signed up to Gravatar

WordPress is a magnificent content management system - it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

There are also plenty of excellent plugins and tools you can use with WordPress to make the user experience that much better, and one of those is Gravatar. Gravatar is essentially an avatar hosting website which will tie in with your WordPress website. Out of the box, WordPress does not offer avatars/profile pictures, and it's nice to see the face of someone who is commenting on your articles. Gravatar will allow the user to upload a picture of themselves, and then it will automatically pull in to their comments on all WordPress sites (and many other websites too, such as the bulletin board softwares phpBB and XenForo).

This gives your blogs and news stories a little more character, so instead of seeing a silhouette of a person, you get to see a little more about the commenter than just their name. You can see an example of this below - having the picture of the user makes it look much more professional and personable than having nothing at all.

You can set this up by going to and registering for an account with your WordPress account details - you'll then be able to upload your photo of yourself and add as many e-mail addresses to your profile as you like.

If you have any questions about WordPress or would like to know more, do get in touch with our friendly team on 0845 094 6108.