Top gadgets for your Dad on Father's Day | Cosmic Skip to main content

Top gadgets for your Dad on Father's Day

Father’s Day is fast approaching and you may be struggling for ideas of what to get him. Does he like music? Photography? Golf? Choosing the right "dadget" (sorry) means knowing what he likes. In this blog we will be providing you with a few of our top gadgets for your Dad this year.

Glyby virtual reality headsetGlyby virtual reality headset

Buy from Amazon for £17.99

So far, 2016 seems to be the year for Virtual Reality. It is starting to crop up everywhere and it's becoming easier and cheaper to implement it using your own smartphone. With a whole host of VR apps becoming available on Android's Play Store and the iOS App Store, all you need to make the most of them is a VR headset. There are plenty available on the UK market, but one that we have been able to try out is the Glyby headset for iOS and Android smartphones. It has a sturdy construction and is comfortable to wear.

Camkix smartphone lensesCamkix smartphone lenses

Buy from Amazon for £8.99

If your Dad is into his photography and wants to capture some more abstract or detailed shots on his smartphone, then a 3 in 1 smartphone lens kit could be great for him. 2 of the lenses allow you to capture fish eye and wide angle photos, but the one that stood out most for us is the macro lens. Smartphones are somewhat limited at capturing very close up photos. The macro lens allows you to get far close to the object whilst staying in focus and retaining the detail. Great for capturing close ups of small flowers, insects, etc.

Flow-Mow rotating time lapse timerFlow-Mow rotating time-lapse timer

Buy from Amazon for £22.99

Carrying on with the photography theme, if your Dad enjoys taking time-lapse photography using his smartphone, GoPro or similar portable camera, then this nifty device may come of use. Perfect for capturing a smooth panning shot whilst capturing time-lapse video, the Flow-Mow will rotate up to 360 at a constant speed for up to 2 hours, adding great effect to those time-lapse videos.

DHD D1 miniature droneDHD D1 miniature drone

Buy from Amazon for £12.85

If it is a bit of fun flying that your Dad is looking for then check out the DHD D1 Miniature drone. Selling between £10 and £15 and at only an inch in diameter, it is one of the smallest, fully functional quadcopters on the market.

The Cosmic team have had a go at flying it in the office, most of which crashed it on the first attempt, but this has resulted in seeing how robust the D1 actually. The propellers don't appear to break, they just fall off, but if you do end up losing any, you come with 2 pairs spare!

Anker Astro portable chargerAnker Astro portable charger

Buy from Amazon for £24.99

Although all of our electronic devices seem to be getting faster and more intelligent every day, it seems to be getting harder to get even a full days use out of them. The Anker Astro portable charger may be the ideal choice for your Dad to keep all of his gadgets topped up to last through the day. Not only can they hold more than 7 full charges for an iPhone 6, you can also charge up to two devices at once.

Intel Compute StickIntel Compute Stick

Buy from Amazon for £72.99

There are a whole host of plug in devices available for non-smart TV's such as Google's Chromecast and Amazon's Firestick, but they are somewhat limited to functionality. If your Dad is used to using Windows PC's and wants to transition that experience across to a TV then Intel's Compute Stick may be just the thing for him. It includes all of the features that you would expect from the Chromecast or Firestick plus so much more. He will be able to access his emails, browse the web, work on projects and play games all from the comfort of the sofa.

Garmin Approach S2 GPS watchGarmin Approach S2 GPS watch

Buy from Amazon for £99.99

Is your Dad into his golf? If so then the Garmin Approach S2 GPS Watch may be the ideal companion for him. From a distance, the Approach S2 looks like your average sports watch, but it does pack some great features, integrating Garmin's renowned GPS technology. The watch will provide precise distances to the front, back and middle of greens and also includes a digital scorecard to keep track of your round, which you can then download, store and print on your computer.

Wallet NinjaFor the non-techy - Wallet Ninja

Buy from Menkind for £5.99

Finally, if your Dad isn't into technology at all, but likes to get hands on and tinker, the Wallet Ninja may be perfect for him.

An 18 in 1 tool that fits in your wallet and features; 3 screwdrivers, 6 spanners, bottle, can & letter opener, box cutter, ruler, phone stand and peeler. The perfect gadget for when you.

What gadget are you getting your dad this year?