Social Media Day | Cosmic Skip to main content

Thursday, 30th June celebrates Mashable’s Social Media day and we have decided to ask you the question ‘How has Social Media changed your life?’ We really want to hear your stories and experiences that you have had with social media.

Social Media Day was launched by Mashable in 2010 and has grown to be internationally recognised as a day to really celebrate the impact that social has had on all of our lives.

Going out and delivering social media training on a daily basis means that we are fortunate enough to gain insight into an enormous range of businesses and see first hand how social helps them. There are many, many businesses that are not on any social network when we meet them, but soon discover the enormous opportunities that Facebook or Twitter can give them. With a little training and support, we really can help turn businesses around by making them aware of how to use social.

Regardless of where you are starting from, be it complete beginner or competent novice, social media will help project your business to that next level. For those of us who use social media on a daily basis we can see what a hugely positive impact it has on us.

As we are keen to hear your stories, we have asked the question within our offices. Here are a few of our thoughts;

“Social media gives me more access to information and more awareness of small businesses out there”

“I have found shops through sponsored Facebook posts which I would have never discovered if I wasn’t on social media”

“The majority of my learning comes from social media. It makes information so much more readily available”

“Social Media has been massive in helping me become part of a bigger community and I have made genuine friends through the different platforms”

“It has provided me with an alternative channel for finding information and statistics when researching my blogs”

And from Cosmic’s own point of view;

“We have the ability to inform people about the future of tech, and reach so many more businesses than we would be able to without it. We can amplify our social impact and also see the positive effects of the social inclusion projects we run”

Today, all over the globe, businesses will be celebrating the impact that Social Media has had on their lives. To join in the conversation please follow @mashSMday, as well as tweeting us at @Cosmic_IT using the hashtag #SMDay, telling us how social media has changed your life.

And if you aren’t on Social Media yet but know you need to be, please get in touch.