How to upload video to Facebook | Cosmic Skip to main content

Back in 2015, we showed you how to set up and upload video to a YouTube account, but what if you want to upload video directly to Facebook instead?

There are pros and cons to using either of the platforms, which you can find in a recent blog of ours.

However one of the main benefits is that as users scroll down their newsfeed on Facebook; videos that are uploaded natively to Facebook will play automatically as default (unless the user has switched this off within their settings on Facebook).

Uploading video to Facebook is fairly straight forward, but if you unsure then this blog will provide you with a step by step guide on how to do this via a smartphone and your PC.

Uploading video to Facebook using your smartphone

The great thing about uploading video to Facebook is that it doesn’t have to be anything overly planned or polished as long as it is engaging for your audience and not too long that viewers will lose interest midway through.

1. Capture your video

The first and most important step is to capture the video you wish to share if you haven’t done so already. Smartphones are a hugely valuable tool for capturing quick video and most of them now are capable of capturing high quality full HD video footage.

Facebook video

2. Create a new post to share on Facebook

Open up your Facebook app and start a new post on either your Facebook profile or business page.

You can do this by either clicking in the "What's on your mind?" box if posting to your personal profileor clicking the "Post" icon on your business page.

3. Add your video to your Facebook post

When you are creating your Facebook post, you will see a "Photo/Video" button similar to the below.

Press on this button and find the video that you wish to upload to Facebook and click "Done" on the top right hand side of the screen.

4. Add a description to your video

Give your video some context. It doesn't need to be anything overly wordy or descriptive, just a few words to give your audience and idea of what the video is about. Of course, if you wish to link it to a page or product on your website then do so by adding the link to your post. You can also include a location as well by pressing "check in" if you so wish.

5. Time to publish your video

Once you are happy with the video that you wish to share, click "Next" on the top right of the screen. You can then choose whether you wish share it with your followers straight away, or if you would prefer to schedule it to be published at a later date.

Uploading video to Facebook using your laptop or PC

Facebook video

1. Capture your video

As above, the most important step is to capture the video that you wish to share. The great thing about uploading video to Facebook from your PC or laptop is that you have the opportunity to spend a bit of time editing and tidying up your video prior to uploading it if you wish to. Make use of some of the free tools available whether it be Windows Movie Maker on your Windows PC or iMovie on your Mac.

2. Add video to a new Facebook post

Click on the "Photo/Video" button on the new Facebook post box on either your personal profile or business page.

You will be greeted with a file explorer window. Navigate around your folders to find the video that you wish to uploaded, click onto it and press "open". You will then see the following window with a blue bar running across the bottom, showing the progress of the video uploading.

Facebook video SEO

3. Add a title, tags and description to your video

You can add more information to videos when uploading them to Facebook via your laptop or PC. Adding a description is the same process as uploading video via your smartphone, but you can also add a title for the video and some tags as well. The tags will help your video become more discoverable by using key words that are relevant to the video and context that it is being used in.

4. Time to publish your video

If you are happy with the video and descriptions that you have created, you can either choose to publish your video straight away, or use the blue drop down arrow to schedule or save your video as a draft for a later date.

If you need any support with your video content requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01404 548405 or