The fantastic world of self-employment | Cosmic Skip to main content

The fantastic world of self-employment

It’s no secret that Positive People has a Self-Employment course. We’ve run it all over the county, helping and inspiring those with great business ideas to start their own companies. Many of our participants have succeeded, thanks in part to the lessons they’ve learnt on our three day course, but also thanks to the after support they’ve received from our partners too.

Let’s take the latest course we’ve run – in Barnstaple, in North Devon. The business ideas our participants brought to the table included a motor racing academy, private investigation, make up and beauty, and accessible hairdressing. Whilst our course effectively focuses on topics such as business planning, branding and finance, with such a wide range of concepts on show, it would be impossible to provide tailored support during the course for each business.

That’s where our after-support comes in. Every participant gets access to a business advisor who can offer up to 12 hours of additional 121 support – they can help with putting a business plan together, or determining what each business needs to focus on, or can just offer general financial advice. They also get full support with their branding. Once they’ve filled in a questionnaire, their answers and ideas will go off to a trained graphic designer who can help them bring their branding and voice to life.

There’s also a website that will be fully designed and developed by the Cosmic team for them, and the Cosmic team will also be on hand to help them determine the best social media platforms possible, and the message they need to communicate too.

Feedback on our Self-Employment courses has always been very positive. “Everything I needed to know was explained clearly”, “I really enjoyed the course and its content. Looking forward to the one to ones on websites and digital marketing”, “I enjoyed everything and it has made me more confident,” have been just a few of the comments we’ve received since we started delivering the course.

Self-Employment runs across Devon at least quarterly, and more frequently if the demand is there. If you’ve got a business idea you want to explore and develop then let your Change Coach know – we’d be happy to see you in the classroom!

You can read the original blog post on the Positive People website here.