6 questions for new team member Jakki MacPhail | Cosmic Skip to main content

6 questions for new team member Jakki MacPhail

Jakki MacPhailJakki is the latest recruit to the Cosmic team, so we asked her six questions about herself so you can get to know our newest team member a little better.

1. What do you do here at Cosmic?

I am the Positive People Project Manager for Somerset. My role is to plan, monitor and report the delivery of the project and also to provide support to the project team.

2. What’s your favourite part about the job, and what are you most excited about doing?

I think I am a bit odd! I love the solitude of being buried in the detail of project planning and enjoy data mining for reports etc. However I also love being with people and part of a team. The camaraderie that is generated by everyone pulling together is so uplifting and enormous fun. I am most excited about the variety this job offers and the opportunity of working with such a fantastic team to help make a difference to peoples lives. Wow that's amazing.

3. What do you like most about Cosmic?

Definitely the combination of digital inclusion and social enterprise. Being slightly older (my age is a state secret!) I am not of the digital generation and completely understand how this digital revolution can pass people by. However, even some of the most mundane daily chores now need a certain level of digital knowledge eg banking, job applications. Without this understanding people will simply find it increasingly difficult to function. I am looking forward to helping to increase their confidence and empower people to take control. Of course the other thing was the chocolate cake on my first day!

4. What is the most interesting thing about you or that you have done?

Perhaps that I was the first Young Enterprise Managing Director in the South West when I was 17. For my sins I was on John Cravens Newsround and photographed with him and my enormous cat. I suppose the other thing is that I grew up wanting to be Phileas Fogg (Around the World in 80 days) and after university I decided to spend a year abroad. It took me 6 years to remember to come home.

5. Are you Apple or Android?

Apple - need I say more?

6. What are your hobbies or interests?

A bit like Paul Turner (Cosmic's Schools IT Manager) I also play a drum in a samba band. Unlike him I have never played anywhere exciting. I love travelling and experiencing new cultures, food, people, night skies - everything. I play tennis and mahjong badly.