Why am I scared of the 'tech' world? | Cosmic Skip to main content

Why am I scared of the 'tech' world?

Here at Cosmic, we know that often a barrier to making the most of technology is the worry of not fully understanding it. So we asked one of our associates why people can be so scared of technology, her answer is simple and it's right here;

"Coming from a fine art background, the world of technology, or ‘tech’ couldn’t be more far-removed! And maybe this is why I have an unnecessary fear of the word. Why does it conjure up images of highly intelligent men coding and programming and having nothing relatable about it at all? I think it is time that I put my fear of the ‘tech’ word behind me and embraced it for what it actually is.

But what is that?

Well, technology is relevant, fun and inspirational.

  • It can open worlds you never knew about.
  • It can sell your products.
  • It can help you design.
  • It can bring you contacts.
  • It is MAGIC!

I meet and mentor many creative women and seeing the excitement in their eyes as the power of technology is revealed is like watching a child see snow for the first time. There is so much possibility out there. It was even described this week “like Harry Potter!” when showing them the Aurasma app.

I think the problem lies in the teaching of this fascinating world. Bring it back to something we can understand. Don’t make it frightening, as so many people feel that it is. So many times I have heard people say ‘I don’t do social media as I’m scared of it’. Don’t be - it’s brilliant! If you are in business (ANY business) you need to be using social media! It’s not frightening, you just don’t know what it can do for you yet."

Cosmic pride ourselves in making technology more accessible and relatable. We are passionate about helping you understand and embrace it. It is so important to grasp it for your business, and it doesn’t have to be a chore. This is one of the most exciting things you can do! We can support you in your technological journey and mentor you as you go along.