What a year, and wow to the years ahead | Cosmic Skip to main content

What a year, and wow to the years ahead

Kate and JulieWell what a whirlwind of a year 2016 turned out to be! I don’t think anyone could have predicted just how turbulent and uncertain things would be from this point last year. We certainly have had our share of ups-and-downs here at Cosmic, but the highlight amidst it all was the opportunity to have a fabulous celebration of our 20th birthday in September. Many of you were able to come in for the party and we hope that many more of you were able to share the celebrations virtually through our social media coverage. We had some wonderful messages of congratulations and feel very proud with the achievement of this milestone.

2016 was the year for two new services to be launched from Cosmic - our Digital Schools and Digital Leadership. Both had been ‘brewing’ during 2015 and so we were very excited to launch them both and attract our first batch of new clients to these services. And although its early days, we can genuinely say that they are not only providing a great new addition to the Cosmic set of services, but they’re also attracting plenty of interest and new organisations for us to work with. We look forward to building on this work further next year and have some very exciting developments in both services to look forward to. Please do keep an eye on our website and social channels for all the latest updates and events too.

Big birthdays are a great time for reflection and celebration, but also for looking ahead and how we’ll do even better in the next 20 years. More Cosmic years coming right your way...

Already we have BIG plans for 2017 and we’re posed ready to announce our involvement in some brilliant and major new projects to benefit individuals and businesses across the SW. Building digital skills and improving digital inclusion has always been Cosmic’s core mission and these projects will offer plenty of opportunities to do that. Please do watch this space as we’ll be bringing more details and some great opportunities (including new jobs) very early in the new year.

Along with this major new activities across the region, we’re also keen to build new partnerships with others keen to think progressively and positively about the role of digital in development brilliant businesses, jobs and people. And so if you’re reading this message and thinking about how we could work together then please drop me a line and we’ll meet up.

Having just done a review online of all the features and newsletter doing the rounds this week under heading like ‘Predictions’, ‘Trends’, ‘Digital Futures’, we can all be very sure there will be plenty of new digital innovations, disruptions and movement ahead. Many of them will be global in their scale and impact, but there’s also plenty of evidence that the global nature of web and social media is about to be challenged more heavily than ever to protect national interests and political ambitions in the main. And so the job of businesses and organisations is to continue to embrace the use of digital technologies to improve the economic and social achievements in our communities and to apply that success for the benefit of all. For 20 years we’ve been very clearly focussed on that mission here at Cosmic, and here’s to the next 20 years!