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Facebook Marketplace

A new feature has been introduced to Facebook in the last few weeks, called Marketplace. You may have noticed a new icon to appear in your Facebook app and wondered what it was all about. Currently, Marketplace is only available through mobile although it has said it will be expanding to desktop soon.

So, what is it and how do we use it?

Facebook has obviously taken notice of the 450 million people visiting sales groups each month and has made it easier for us to sell and buy things using this new tool.

It is very simple to access and use, and allows you to see what is for sale within your location. By clicking on the logo at the bottom of your screen (on your Facebook app) it will take you to a number of listings that are available for purchase. You can search for specific items through categories, or you can alter the perimeter of where you are searching – between 2-100km of your location.

There are certain limitations on what you can sell through Marketplace, Facebook doesn’t allow the sales of animals, drugs, weapons or illicit items, but apart from that it’s pretty much anything that you have to sell, you can. Furniture, electronics, vehicles, pet supplies, clothing, DVDs – you can even sell your house!

If you are interested in an item you can click on it to find out more information, and where it is located.  Once you have decided that you’d like the item you can either make an offer, or message the seller direct to find out more. All messaging is done through the Marketplace app so there are no concerns over privacy.

Facebook currently does not facilitate any payment or delivery; it is entirely up to you and the seller to discuss options. Unusually, Facebook does not charge for this service, or take any commission on sales.

Facebook MarketplaceSelling an item is also incredibly easy – you can upload an image from your photo library, add a brief description and price, confirm your location, select a category and then list!

You can also keep track of all your sales and purchases, as well as any listings you may have saved. Ultimately, it is making it easier to buy and sell products without having to scroll through various different groups. It is very user friendly and therefore it will be interesting to see how much it is used, compared to other selling sites such as eBay.

Facebook is rolling out Marketplace to users over 18 in the US, UK and Australia initially, with other countries receiving it in the next few months.

To find out more about Facebook Marketplace visit their post here.