What is a Digital Change Coach? | Cosmic Skip to main content

ESF and Lottery logoThere is no other job quite like this. On the Positive People project, our Change Coaches are the constant in the participants' lives supporting them to overcome things such as hardship, adversity and deprivation. They help to support and guide participants to achieve their goals. The Change Coaches get to be a part of this person’s journey from start to finish, helping them every step of the way by signposting them to our wide network of partners. In the role, a Change Coach will get to work on a 1:1 basis with many different individuals who come from all different walks of life.

Participants come onto our project because they are interested in learning new skills or finding work, but they have hit some hurdles along the way and need some support to overcome them. That’s where the change coach steps in and takes the challenge to find the best path for that person. This path is unique and tailored completely to the individual, so no two participants will have the same journey. Depending on the support that person needs, the Change Coach could be helping them with a variety of barriers, such as education, career building, health, family life, finance and housing.

If you have come from a background as an advisor, teacher, tutor or coach, this role could be perfect for you. You don’t have to have worked in the digital sector before, but if you are enthused by technology and willing to learn, there will be opportunities for you to develop your skills further. One of our participants on the project said, “They had so much belief in me and this boosted my confidence, just having someone there was 100% what I needed. I want to be here and want to live my life”. These words are an example of what our Change Coaches regularly hear. The project is having a huge impact on many people’s lives, and our next Digital Change Coach will be part of that.

More specific details on this role can be found here: https://www.cosmic.org.uk/blog/job-vacancy-digital-change-coach.