Useful mobile apps for website owners | Cosmic Skip to main content

Useful mobile apps for website owners

Mobile apps

We truly live in a mobile age, and for that reason we as business owners need to adapt to a life "on the go".

We can do a lot more with our mobile phones now that what we could 10-15 years ago - we can manage our finances, graphic design, book events and even make the occasional phone call!

There are a number of applications that website owners and administrators can use to keep their website up to date and in tip top condition whilst out and about, so we've rounded up some of our favourites which we hope will be useful for you, too.

Content management system

Depending on what CMS your website was developed in, there may be an app to let you access the site. A good example of this is WordPress - they have an application that you can download and use to manage all of your WordPress websites from a singular place. The app is perfectly optimised for mobile and strips out the added extras that you may not want to see whilst browsing on your phone - however there is still the option to view the full backend should you want to. Have a look on the application store for your device to see if there's an app for your CMS or platform.

Website hosting provider

In some cases, your website host may provide an app where you can manage the more technical side of things. This kind of information is usually better managed on a computer rather than a handheld device, but if you need to quickly change an email password or amend some files, you could do so this way.

Domain name registrar

Some larger domain name registrars such as GoDaddy, Uniregistry and Namecheap have apps on mobile devices which can be really useful. They allow you to register new domain names on the go as well as manage DNS and renewals.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a key feature that should be included on every website. Google Analytics gives you an in-depth insight into who is looking at your website, where they're coming from and what they're doing whilst on your site. Google has a mobile app for Analytics which features your data in an easy to read manner.

Social media

Social media is used by a large percentage of businesses, organisations and individuals across the world, keeping us all even more connected than before. Nearly all major social networks have mobile applications, from Facebook and Twitter to Periscope and Instagram. These can be downloaded to your mobile phone and accessed, or alternatively you could look at a social media management tool such as Hootsuite or Buffer which allows you to manage multiple social networks from the same place.

E-newsletter campaigns

E-newsletter services such as MailChimp often provide mobile apps to allow you to create campaigns on the go. These can be especially useful for when you get an idea for content but you aren't in the office - you can write it down and send, or save as a draft and then review when you're back at your desk.

URL shortening

URL shortening can be handy if you're sharing information on social media, e-newsletters or by e-mails. Long URLs can often look ugly, especially on a page where the screen is considerably smaller. You may want to look at downloading an app such as Bitly where you can paste in long URLs and shorten them into something a bit more user-friendly.

Web browsers

Your device will have at least one preinstalled web browser, likely created by the company who manufactures your device. For example, Apple has Safari, Google has Chrome and so on. It's a good idea to download the other browsers available on your device - this is mainly for testing purposes. You will then be able to see what your website looks like on other browsers and would therefore be able to work on any display issues that may occur. It's important that these get nipped in the bud as soon as possible so that they don't become an issue for website visitors.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage is used by millions of people every day and is a fantastic tool. Cosmic uses a variety of these platforms such as Google Drive and Dropbox, however there are plenty more that you may use such as OneDrive and Amazon Cloud. Lots of these platforms have mobile apps which makes sharing files and collaborating with colleagues incredible easy.

Do you have a favourite app to use? Let us know!