Safe Tech for Kids | Cosmic Skip to main content

Local children are set to be safer online thanks to National Lottery funding.

On 13th July, ethical IT and online business Cosmic are leading a “Safe Tech for Kids” engagement session to tackle parents’ main concerns and misconceptions about technology, and provide advice on keeping their child safe.

Training will be provided by the Positive People project, funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund as part of a programme to tackle the root causes of poverty, promote social inclusion and improve employment prospects.

Emma Hupertz, Digital Training Assistant with Cosmic, says: “According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs requiring computer skills set to increase to 77% in the next ten years, so it is vital that children develop these skills. But this comes with parental concerns for children’s safety - how can you monitor what they can do or see, without holding them back in their skills? Rather than fearing tech and all its dangers, we want our children to embrace it, and learn to love it as the wonderful and innovating asset it is to modern life.”

The session, to be held at The Edge in Brixham from 10am until 12pm, is free to attend and open to everybody. You can get your tickets by clicking here.

For more information and to get involved, please contact Rob or Emma from Cosmic on 0845 094 6108 or 01404 548 405.