A profile on Matt Young | Cosmic Skip to main content

Matt profileMatt Young is the ‘Social Media and SEO Specialist’ at Cosmic IT, and has been working here for about twelve months!

When at Cosmic, Matt is the go-to guy for all things social media related. His day consists of Tweeting, Facebooking, blogging, training, report writing and using Google’s many webmaster functions. Matt’s training courses consists of teaching people how they can use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to have more of an impact on their organisation and how effective a marketing tool it can really be. He also delivers search engine optimisation training and audits – so if you have questions about Google rankings, Matt is the man to talk to!

With this, Matt says his must-do job every day is checking the array of social media accounts Cosmic has. He regularly updates them with great tips and news. Something he doesn’t particularly enjoy is filling out his timesheet – he says it’s always the last thing he does. I’m with you on that one Matt!

His favourite thing about working at Cosmic is the people he works with – something we hear a lot about our staff! His least favourite thing about working at Cosmic is how close to the office is to his house – Matt enjoys driving and believes a long commute home from work would help him unwind from a busy day.

Matt loves that the Cosmic office is open-plan – he says is allows for some good conversation and also means less e-mailing each other.

When he’s not at work, Matt is an avid sport fan. He supports local football team Exeter City and enjoys playing golf with friends, as well as watching television and dabbling in radio presenting.

His claim to fame is (apparently) being a distant cousin of former world number one tennis player Jimmy Connors, and if he ruled the world Matt would bring in a law so that no-one could ever lie!

Finally, an interesting fact about Matt – he only had a full head of hair for sixteen years!