Pinterest for your business | Cosmic Skip to main content

Your perception of Pinterest may well be wrong – we are no longer a nation just focused on pinning recipes and weddings and decorating ideas… Now, don’t get us wrong – we still do that in our millions but more and more of us are using Pinterest for different reasons.

  • Are you a teacher looking for planning ideas?
  • Are you a blogger looking for statistics?
  • Are you setting up your Instagram page and no idea where to start?
  • Are you a shop wanting to reach a bigger audience?

These, and so many more are reasons that people are signing up to Pinterest, alongside the recipes and weddings.

Just search ‘Pinterest Statistics’ in Pinterest and you will find board after board of infographics and blog posts. As a business, you can use this to your advantage, and if you aren’t on Pinterest yet – you need to be!

We have created our own infographic based on those facts that are out there about Pinterest (which we are hoping you will pin!) Which other social media platform allows you to get more engagement on your post the longer it is out there? Unlike Facebook, Twitter & (to a point) Instagram which focus on the ‘now’, Pinterest users are pinning images from months, and even years, ago. If you are doing it, then so are others – and they will be doing the same with your pins! Content doesn’t lose steam as soon as it’s posted but actually gets more visibility over time. No other social media network does this.

Not only that, but you can converse with those interested in your pins, and to those who you are interested in. Like Twitter and Instagram, you can engage directly with potential customers and associates and go straight to the source. As a business, this is utterly invaluable.

It is a fact that the half-life of a Pinterest pin is 1,600 times longer than a Facebook post! Not only that, but Pinterest brings an average of 300% more referral traffic to your site than Facebook.

But now is your chance to make the most of Pinterest, as out of almost 80 million users, there are currently only 500,000 business pages on Pinterest. We can use this to our advantage! 

Make sure that each time you blog, include pinnable images or infographics.

Write about relevant content. Use trends – pins featuring trending topics see a 94% increase in click through rate.

Pin your tutorials – these see a 42% higher click through than the average pin.

Remember – 67% of content pinned on Pinterest is from a BUSINESS WEBSITE, and 96% of pinners have used Pinterest to research and gather information.

If you are writing about subjects that people want to read about, that is relevant and informative, make sure people can PIN IT! Make sure that the image you have pinned takes the viewer back to exactly what they need to see, and let that pin grow, and grow, and grow…

As you can tell, we are excited and we want you to be too!

We will be writing a ‘how to’ shortly with everything you need to know about Pinterest, setting up an account, pinning and building followers so please do keep an eye out. And if you are on Pinterest, come and follow us and we will do the same!