Opting out of Twitter’s tailored advertising | Cosmic Skip to main content

Opting out of Twitter’s tailored advertising


Now that Twitter has become a publicly owned company (floated on the stock exchange) you will begin to see more adverts (promoted posts & accounts) as they need to start earning some serious money for the people who have invested their hard-earned cash, hoping to see some decent returns.

However, Twitter does allow you to ‘opt-out’ of tailored advertising which will stop them from collecting data about you, so they can send relevant promoted tweets & accounts to you. This does not remove the adverts which Twitter promotes but it does stop them from targeting advertising at you.

Personally, I don’t see it as an issue that Twitter wants to place relevant adverts and accounts in front of me based on what it knows about my activity, but I appreciate that I may be in the minority here; hence why I decided to write this blog in the first place.

If you’d like to turn this feature off, here’s how:

Firstly, click on the cog in the top right-hand corner of your Twitter account and click on the ‘settings’ tab. Then click on the ‘Security and privacy’ tab (as shown) which is the page we can make the changes on.

Matt Young Twitter

Once on this page, scroll towards the bottom where you’ll see the tick box called ‘Promoted Content’. If you un-tick that box, Twitter will not show you ads about things you’ve shown an interest in on their platform.

Matt Young Twitter settings

Blog by Matt Young