Leadership in 2011 | Cosmic Skip to main content

We are now busy preparing for our Summer School (19th/20th July) and this has led me to develop some new thoughts and content on the subject of leadership, especially for those working in social enterprise in what continue to be very tough times. Some commentators on the subject of leadership in social enterprise have recently been highly critical of the lack of progress being made by leaders of the sector, and have called for a much stronger response to the severe deterioration of trading conditions for large numbers of social enterprises delivering to those most in need.

Stop fiddling while Rome Burns

The Sector is not for burning

Others are busy working out a new approach to leadership as they move from public sector into the new world of social enterprise and in my recent work I’ve benefitted from close discussions with some individuals in leadership positions in the NHS social enterprises now progressing swiftly down this path. Its fascinating to see how the transfer affects leadership and the new challenges, especially in terms of staff engagement, which have become priorities for these people.

Excellent leadership of organisations continues to be the vital ingredient in success, sustainability, and innovative approaches to these tough times. People with determination, passion, brilliant communication, and clarity of thinking are making it count right now.

Later on this week I am presenting in London to more people involved in public-sector spin outs, and my presentation will include Top Ten Tips for Social Enterprise Leadership. Watch this space for more …